Week 1: Creative Brief and Demo

This past week our group has focused on fleshing out our initial idea for the game. While it may be easy to imagine just a game where your keys talk to you, we wanted to iron out what kind of game we wanted to design. We completed a creative brief, which is attached to this first dev log, where we talk more in detail about what the game will be like. In addition, we've uploaded some demo builds of what we currently have, to help support what we have in mind for the game. The demo is very basic currently, but we're hoping we can practically show why the game will be fun as the weeks go on and progress is made.

Note for the demos, all you need to do is unzip the files and run the executable (in windows or mac) to play the game.

This devlog was pretty brief because it mostly pertains to our group coming up with the main ideas of the game (which again can be found in the creative pitch). In future weeks we'll talk more about topics as our idea and implementation changes over time.

Update you can find the builds in this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Dph7e_ozjhTejF91xARke2T6xKV5iGx3?usp=sha...

See you next week!


WASD Demo Week 1 Windows.zip 21 MB
Sep 29, 2021
WASD demo Week 1 mac.zip 31 MB
Sep 29, 2021
WASD - Creative Brief.pdf 8.9 MB
Sep 29, 2021

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